Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Marking a Milestone- Rolling Over

Grace has officially rolled over (and over and over and over.) She went from back to tummy first, then tummy to back, and then just kept going. By the end of the day she was rolling to the left and right forwards and backwards. I now have two mobile children. Ahhhhhh! Oh, and can you believe it...I don't have a camera in the house to document this. Oh well. :)


Anonymous said...

Hurray! See you need us, even if it's just for our cameras.


Anonymous said...

Sooooo many great new photos!!!!! I should comment on each group individually, but I will just start here by saying....WHAT....NO CAMERA????? Where is it? and don't you have a couple of old back up cameras...and a video camera. I may not really believe the whole rolling over thing until I see proof!!! J/K...but take some pics!...or better yet videos...maybe I should mail you my cool new little pocket video camera! :)

SC Mom

Shelley said...

Way to go Grace. Can't wait to see some pics.