We brought Grace home from the hospital on Tuesday night. We were all very ready to begin our life at home as a family of four. Conner waited at the window for us to pull up, and once we did, he kept repeating "Hi Gracie! Hi Gracie!"
I wore this dress home from the hospital as a baby, so I thought it would be fun to have Grace wear it too. (CLICK ON THE PICTURES TO MAKE THEM BIGGER.) After being home for one night, the doctor called with test results and told us we had to keep Grace under a bili light for her jaundice. They delivered it to our house and she had to stay under the light except when nursing. I think it was harder on us than her because all we wanted to do was pick her up and cuddle her. Since she was born a couple weeks early, we had not yet washed all her baby clothes. It sure seemed funny doing all that laundry for a tiny naked baby. I was sooooo excited when the doctor called to tell us she could be taken out of the light!! That meant I could dress her and hold her and cuddle her and rock her and ... yeah!!! He kisses her every chance he gets. Uncle Matt was teaching Grace all about Fantasy Football. It's very important stuff for a one week old. Here Grace is being introduced to her future husband or best friend. We'll find out in December! Shawn and Kristy are expecting their first baby in November. This was good practice for keeping a baby away from the velcro on his uniform. :)
Grace was born on Sunday, September 7th at 2:35PM, two and a half hours after we arrived at Evans Army Community Hospital in Colorado Springs. She was two weeks early. I woke up around 8:30 and felt a little different. I could hardly call it contractions, but I decided not to go to church so I could just take it easy and not go into labor since our family was not in town yet. Jake went to church, but took his cell phone just in case. I ended up calling him to come home halfway through church. He finished packing our hospital bag and fed Conner breakfast. We were told we wouldn't be admitted unless I was in enough pain that I couldn't talk through the contractions. It never got to that point, but we went anyway. We got to the hospital at noon, and discovered I was already at 7 centimeters!!! They admitted me quickly and rushed around making sure we were ready for delivery. I did not get an epidural, but I got a "block" which is like an epidural but lasts only for an hour and a half instead of a constant drip. The pain relief was wonderful. They soon broke my water, I pushed for 10 minutes, and Grace was born. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice, but the nurses rubbed her vigorously, she lost the blue color and let out a sweet baby cry. They immediately placed her on my tummy, and from that moment on, we haven't been able to keep our eyes off of her.
There was so much excitement, he had a hard time containing himself. He pressed the call button one too many times. Oops...here he is in time out. :)
Friends from the hospital came upstairs to meet Gracie.
Such a sweet face
We have a hard time waking her up to nurse since she is so peaceful when she sleeps.